Monday, October 5, 2015

The science behind the hair loss,baldness and it's cure

Do you know Socrates had a hair fall and he was bald? So people used to refer baldness as a sign of intelligence.
Scientist have gone through this since many years and found some clues on why do some people lose their hair and how can we bring it back?
Let's dive into the science of hair loss.It's Interesting! :)
The answer of Why?
We people having full hair has about 100000 to 150000 hairs in his scalp(The skin of head).

From many research scientist have found two things:-

1. The network of hair is mostly made up of Keratin (Family of the fibrous structural protein)
Keratin is a protein left over from the dead cells that are forced upward as new cells grow beneath them.

2. Second thing- The structure that drives hair growth are called hair follicles
A network of complex organs that forms before we are born and grows hair in everlasting cycle.

This cycle has three main phases

2.1 The first phase is Anagen

 The growth phase which up to 90% of our follicles are experiencing right     now causing them to push up hair at the scale of one centimetre per month
Anagen can last for 2 to 7 years, depending on your genes.

2.2 After this productive period signal within the skin instruct some follicles to enter the new phase known as categen or the regression stage causing hair follicles to shrink a fraction of their original length.

Categen lasts about 2 to 3 weeks and cuts blood supply to the follicle creating a club hair meaning ready to be hair shed.

2.3 Finally hairs enter telogen the resting phase which lasts for 10 to 12 week     and affects about 5 to 15% of your scalp follicles. During telogen up to 200 club hairs cna be shed in a day which is quiet normal.

Then the growth cycle begins new.

After the new cycle all heads are hairy in fact some of them grow  increasingly patchy over time in response to bodly changes. 95% of baldness in men can be attributed to male pattern baldness
Baldness is inherited and in people with this condition follicles become incredibly sensible to the effects of DIHYDROTESTOSTERONE(DHT).
DHT is a hormonal product made from testosterone
DHT causes shrinkage in these overly sensitive follicles making hair shorter and wispier.But loss isn't sudden. It happens gradually along a metric known as the Norwood scale which describe the severity of hair loss.

First hair recedes around the temples then hair on the crown begins to thin on a circular pattern. At the highest rating on the scale, these balding areas meet
and expand dramatically eventually leaving only a ring of sparse hair around the temples and the back of the head.
Genetics is not the only factor that drives hair loss. The other factors are-
-Long period of stress can release signals that shock follicles and force them into the resting phase permanently.
-Some women experience this after child birth.
-Follicles might also lose the ability to go into the anagen the growth phase.
-People going to chemotherapy treatment temporarily experience this.
                 BUT balding may look permanent, Scientist investigation has revealed the opposite. Below the skin surface the roots that give rise to our hairs actually remains alive.

Using this knowledge scientists have developed the drugs that shorten resting phase and force follicles and force follicles to anagen.
Other drugs combat male pattern baldness by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT so that it does not affect those sensitive follicles
Stem cells also play a role in regulating the growth cycle and so scientists are investigating whether they can manipulate whether the activity of these cells to encourage follicles to start producing hair again.

A good solution for hair loss ever found after many research and approved one is   Minoxidil. It was first used as a treatment of high blood pressure. Later people found that it's side effect causes the hair grow. So people find the new way of growing hair. But scientist still cannot figure out how it helps to regrowth of hair in people. To have a nice effect of it you should use it upto six month regularly with only doctor's advice.
However, you should not be worry if you loss hair or have male pattern baldness many great people like Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin have loss their hair and you are in their company. Smile......

Friday, October 2, 2015

5 great Entrepreneurial Ideas for startup in Nepal

Do you have hunger, passion and still thinks life is not over yet to do some rock and start something then just keep your hope alive. Although we got political issues and many problems we still have enough things to do here in Nepal. If you think this way you are the shine and hope. Okay lets discuss about some ideas.

Here are the 5 great ideas for start-up in Nepal

1. Capital Venture for "Gari khaane"

"k basnu yr Nepal maa na jaagir cha na kehi garne paisa  nai cha skill bhayera k garnu" Well,
We heard this kind of dialogue much more. I think a solution for this :)
With the success of Indiegogo and Kickstarter , we can also develop cottage industry and small scale industry that has not got chance to grow up and we can help them by  providing fund or capital with respect of their proposals of "Gari khaane" For funding we can manage talks with different high profile, rich, NRN, and many people who are willing to invest some cash on small and new business. Idea is simple...... but makes great difference.

2. Travel Food

"Bhairahawa, Kakarbhitta la hai la hai jaam" Lots of people are travelling a long distance  whether it takes from ktm to mugling or from Biratnagar to Dhangadhi. We can develop a fooding system in every station or every transist where the bus stop for breakfast, lunch or as bus-stop to provide good and healthy food in a package. And for that we can use technology like Phone apps where people can order food for them while they are in the isn't it cool idea? Advantages--lots of advantages like if one station get 20 people for managing food system there are up to hundred transits in Nepal. so more than 2000 people will get employed and get job. Think about it

3. Bitcoin

aah what is bitcoin? In a simple way it's a digital currency in which third parties are not envolved. Third parties?? third parties are just like banks, IME or western union money transfer, paypal whatever you called. Its completely a new technology. you can transfer money through your mobile or computer whatever device that has bitcoin wallet.umm but why it matter in our country?

Cool! So as our country Nepal is developing country and lots of people are abroad.Our country is most depend on remittance. What if we make things easy with bitcoin if people living abroad can send money directly to their homes without sending though different IME's and money transfer.

It can help lots of Nepalese to start transaction inside the village where banks and ATM has not reached their way . It also brings many business opportunities.


4. Krishi Nepal

Nepal is a fertile land. Greenery everywhere!! Come on our country have lots of ways to develop the agriculture field in many ways. I will notice few of them
-Develop reliable ecommerce platform for exchanging goods between villages
Aah Doesnot it be cool when Nepaljung Ram Thakur have a bite of an apple that is from Marpha cultivated by Phurba Sherpa rather than having apples from India.
-Utilizing lands .Taking lands on lease have some cultivation using local manpower of that villages.
-Many more just pack your bag and visits some villages you will know the opportunity in agriculture in Nepal.


Nepal! Heaven on Earth.. But are we developing this sector as a major industry. Lots of opportunity is there in tourism sector.
If you think you have no money. Forget it! money is not the only assets. Money is around you :). I will write down some of the opportunities below
-Do you love trekking, hiking and travel things. Hey buddy start writing blog about it you will earn good after a while.
-Do you love taking photos . Aah have some cool photos that defines your art.
take snaps of beautiful places and just promote it and grab attention of tourist. You can also sell photos to many web people and earn money through it.
 - Just promote the tourism in your own way there is endless opportunities.
 Okay for now i have only discuss these few. But there are a lots of possibilities to do here in Nepal..

Friday, September 25, 2015

Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT) And Its Properties

Its an another way of converting signal into frequency component in the context of digital image processing.
C=$\left \{ C(k,n) \right \}$ where
$ C(k,n) $=
The properties of Discrete Cosine Transform are:
1.It is real and orthogonal.
ie: C=C*     C^-1=C^T
2 The DCT is not the real part of unitary DFT.
3.The DCT is a fast transform with computational complexicity in order of O(logN) (real).
4.It has excellent energy compact . So this is used in Data compression technique.